Current Courses
Training by Centurion Leadership Group

Introduction to Leadership
What is it and why is it important? How does it differ from management? Types of power.
Leadership Theory
Review of the most prominent academic theories of leadership – past and current (traits, principles, servant, contingency, situational, transformational,
Leadership Ethics and Values
Scripture-centric and how to navigate today’s challenges in this regard.
Responsibilities of the Leader: Building Organizational Culture
A healthy, welcoming, & productive working environment. Compare/contrast at the tactical, operational, and strategic levels.
Self-Assessment & Introspection
Include personality testing (MBTI, Enneagram, Big 5, HEXACO, DISC).
Introduction to Strategic Planning & Implementation
Overview of the process & its major steps
Identifying & Engaging Organizational Stakeholders
Board of directors; employees; press; the interested public; and their expectations & mandates
Organizational Values, Mission, & Vision
How to formulate, communicate, & continually evaluate
Organizational Assessment
External environment; internal environment; SWOT; PEST
Identifying Strategic Issues & Formulating Strategy
Strategy Implementation
Developing & implementing action plans, communicating them, & assessing their execution
Leader Communications (Community & Public Relations)
Intercultural Communication Skills
Building unity while respecting & leveraging diversity
Promotion Innovation
Conflict Resolution
Leading the Politically Divided
Dealing with polarization. How to avoid the minefields while getting people focused on shared values, vision, & mission.
Basic Financial Management
Budgeting & resource prioritization
Get in Touch

Centurion Leadership Group
500 West Fifth Street
Suite 800 PMB #21
Winston Salem, North Carolina 27101